Dental Implants Dentist Brighton Mi

Brighton Dental Implants

A dental implant is a biocompatible, man-made substitute that replaces missing tooth roots. Usually made of the space-age alloy titanium, implants come in various shapes and sizes to fit the situation. Your Brighton implant dentist will place these cylindrical bars into bone allowing them to lay undisturbed while the bone heals around them, locking them in like an anchor. After a few months, the implants are used as a foundation for replacing the missing teeth.

Dental implants are the most stable and economically far-sighted solution to the very real problem of missing teeth. Dental implants restore lost chewing ability, improve appearance, end embarrassment and give real self-confidence to patients who need them. Because of proven success, preservation of existing teeth and no susceptibility to dental decay (cavities), dental implants are the answer to missing teeth. They are a real breakthrough!

To learn more about our Brighton implant dentists, any of our Brighton dental services, or to make an appointment, please contact our office or call us directly at 810.227.4111.

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